
Captain Crick


As part of my Brand Experience Design module during my MSc in Digital Design and Branding at Brunel University, we were presented with a group assignment to create a new brand with the main aim to change consumer perception towards insect based foods. The total population is expected to reach 9 billion by 2050. The UN food and agriculture organisation stated that the current food production will need to almost double. With already limited resources such as land scarcity, alternate food sources must be explored. My role in this project was that of project manager overseeing every artefact that was created.

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Services Provided
Product Design
Brand Strategy

As a group we decided to create a cereal product line made out of cricket flour. The main aim was to raise awareness about the nutritional benefits that crickets possess. Besides the nutritional benefits of crickets, other issues such as excessive sugar levels in cereals needed to be treated. We explored many different solutions but eventually chose Captain Crick as our brand going forward. The first step was creating a brand identity reflecting our brand. This needed to target both parents and kids. The colour palette represents a mix of serious and fun colours, to address different target groups. The brand was represented by Captain Crick himself, a futuristic, super-powered Captain. The team consisted of Myself, Vaishnavi Sahu, Jenita Royal and Geun ah Park.